
How does the medical care in Egypt work?
October 22, 2023
You must have already heard, guests planning a trip to Egypt are worried mostly about diarrhea asking: Should we take the medication with us or get vaccinated? Let us speak about it!
April 4, 2023
Egypt is not only safe but also very interesting for travellers. Discover ancient history, marvelous Red Sea and secrets of the desert.
Ramadan in Egypt
April 11, 2021
Ramadan is special time of the year. Its time of fasting, prayers and making good deeds.
January 12, 2021
Be ready for your home flight from Egypt. Let the departure day to be smooth as your holidays was.
FAQ Egypt
January 8, 2021
What you want and need to know ahead your vacation in Egypt
August 27, 2020
What is the best month to visit?
August 17, 2020
Animals are connected with ancient Egypt since ages
What to avoid in Egypt
August 15, 2020
You should know that as in any other country, there are some “no do’s”
Egypt has many positives for you
June 28, 2020
Egypt can always surprise. Positively
microbus is most used transportation vehicle
June 3, 2020
All you need is a car - or any vehicle - and people who are interested in getting anywhere
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