To speak about the animals in Egypt is very sensitive topic. We cannot close our eyes to see what still has to be done in this field but also to see what Egypt and Egyptians already did to protect the animal rights.
Animals are connected with ancient Egypt for ages. We are seeing after thousands of years pictures of animals carved on the walls of temples and tombs. The most pictured ones are falcon, crocodile, cow, horses, cats and dogs. Many Egyptian Gods were displayed with a head of animal. Animals were used for protection, help in work, food. When you ask the random tourist which animal is typical for Egypt, most probably you will get reply – cat.
Cat is a symbol used on many souvenirs. Over the millennia, cats in Egypt evolved from useful village predators to physical embodiments of the gods and symbols of divine protection.
Egyptians did not worship cats, but they did believe that cats held a bit of divine energy within them. The most widespread belief was that domestic cats carried the divine essence of Bastet (or Bast), the cat-headed goddess who represented fertility, domesticity, music, dance and pleasure.
For that reason, cats were to be protected and venerated. At the height of the popularity of the cult of Bastet, which took hold in the second-century B.C.E., the penalty for killing a cat, even by accident, was death. And charms and amulets depicting cats were worn by men and women to protect the home and bring good luck during childbirth.
The close relationship with the pets can be proved through the mummies of animals which have been found in the tombs.
Dogs have their pharaonic history too. The Pharaon dog was national breed! Famous God Anubis / Jackal is a hybrid dog.
As we can see, animals had in the history of the country always big meaning. But with the centuries, new population, new cultures, animals were more and more abandoned and set outside of the houses and villages. One of the wrongdoers was idea of some Islamic scholars, saying that the dog is unclean and touching it invalidates prayer. And if u must have one helping you to save the house or any other thing, keep it out side.
Despite the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) kindness to animals, including notable stories of Him caring for puppies.
Cats and dogs were relocated to the streets facing lack of food, uncontrollable reproducing, suffering and aggression of other animals and sadly also of human.
But times are changing. The Egyptian Mufti Ali Gomaa stated few years ago (2014), that raising dogs is permissible and it is permissible to pray after contact with them. Contrary to what has been said about dogs in past centuries! The
that dogs are not impure is coming also these days from Grand Mufti Shawki Allam.
Unfortunately the damage was already done. The country faces big problem with stray animals, abandoned, hurt, starving, reproducing as there is still majority of the people refusing neutering and spaying of the animal as haram (sin). There is lack of education about how to care about the animal without harming it and keep it safe with the human population.
The visible changes are happening in the last 20 years. Egypt has more non-profit organizations caring about animal’s welfare, protection and proper medical care. They are located in
Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor,
Hurghada. They are supported by thousands of
volunteers, trying to bring the topic of animal welfare to the governmental and law level. The Egyptian Parliament is at this time about to finalize and pass the law which will make the animal harm doers accountable by imprisonment. The suggestion of the law is speaking about street animals; animals used for work and it is giving clear direction for the owners of the pets.
Egyptians alongside of foreigners living here are trying to promote idea of
the animal instead of never-ending breeding and buying.
Adoptions are not only within Egypt, many tourists love the idea to give a home to Egyptian baladi dog or cat. After the necessary medical and administrative procedure is done, the adopters are receiving a rescued new family member in Germany, Switzerland, UK, Canada, USA…
The shelters are full of rescued animals and always welcome the support – financial or
food donation. It will take years till situation will (hopefully) be better. We believe that Egypt is, when it comes to animal rights, on the good way.